And just like that, another year of college zoomed past and the beginning of July is already approaching. Where in the world does time go?!?

Experiencing a beautiful sunset while walking over the Brooklyn Bridge
As some of you may already know, I am spending my summer in New York City! Besides trying to be a responsible adult and getting some work experience in my field before I graduate, I am also taking this time to explore and do things around the city that I never had time to do before.
And let's be honest, there's a lot! Which also means big expenses. Expenses that can be tough on a college budget.

Hanging out with a friend at Pier 2 in Brooklyn for a Science Festival
But, after some research (and by some, I mean a lot), I found A TON of fun and exciting activities that are low cost or free all around the five boroughs. I was shocked!
For an expensive city, there sure are a lot of affordable activities during the summer time. I started collecting all the events that I came across online, in magazines, and even subway ads. (You can check out the public calendar here!)

Taking a sunny stroll in Central Park before one of the free concerts at Summer Stage later that evening
So in between all the work and responsibility, I found that there was always something to do during my free time.
Some of my favorites so far have been free kayaking, music concerts in Central Park, and even random lecture series (like the one I stumbled across about Urban Bee Keeping – How cool is that?)

Free Kayaking at Pier 1 at Brooklyn Bridge Park
If there is anything that I can take away from this, it is to keep my head out of my phone and take a look at all the ads hanging around the city. I know, I know, there’s a lot out there. But honestly, I came across some of the best activities from flyers, posters, and ads while on my daily commute.
So keep your eyes open folks and have a spectacular (and afforable) summer!