It's that time of the year again. The time when Christmas markets and artisan festivals pop up everywhere offering you yummy hot chocolate and twinkly lights that give you all the holiday vibes.

This time of the year is also a very hectic time, especially for college students. Not only is the end of the year approaching (and the end of the decade!), but so is the dreaded finals week. And with all these deadlines, there really isn't enough time to get into the holiday spirit, let alone think about what Christmas presents to get everyone.
Since I started college 3 years ago, I have found it much harder to get into the cheery holiday spirit like I used to get when I was in high school. Although I am fortunate enough to not have any exams, I do have LOADS of deadlines, papers, and projects to turn in (which in my opinion, takes up a lot more time).
Insert holiday markets!

Visiting holiday markets is by far one of my favorite activities this time of the year. They offer so many unique crafts and specialty foods that make perfect gifts for close friends, roommates, coworkers, and family members. Although I will be honest, I feel like I always find so many more things that I would like than I could gift further (must practice so much restraint).
This is a tradition that started after I came to New York for school and noticed how many markets they have scattered throughout Manhattan. It has continued every year since.

However, this year, I did things a little differently. I went to the SoWa (South of Washington) Winter Festival in Boston while I was visiting my boyfriend.
Honestly, I got lucky with this one. The festival only runs one weekend each holiday season (It was December 6-8th this year) and I just so happened to be there at the perfect time. But since the festival was only open for one weekend, you can probably expect how crowded it was.

When we got there, the lines were SO long!
I figured as much (living in NYC for 3 years does that to you), but I didn't expect to have to wait almost 2 hours to get into the vendor tents!

I'm not going to lie, it was pretty chilly and windy outside and the wait wasn't the most glamorous thing, but I did appreciate that there was no line required to enter where the food trucks were. So for anyone that wanted to get toasty with some yummy food and hot cocoa while standing in line, they could.
Despite the line, though, once we were able to get in it was so much fun! The best thing about these types of festivals (in my opinion) is seeing all people get crafty with foods and beverages. I mean, I have never seen so many honey infusions before, let alone know that was even a thing happening! I really regret not buying some...
I rest my case though. When you feel like you are in a slump and in need of some holiday cheer in your life, holiday markets are a good way to start. Just, you know, try not to wait in super long lines - they can be a bit of a mood killer.